
Thursday, April 21, 2011

anddd yeah

So, I'm still here. Meal plan isn't going so well and my weight is dropping (slowly) but it's all okay. I am working really hard on getting back on track. I see my dietitian and therapist twice a week. I had my follow up visit with my primary care doctor today and that went well. Again, my weight is down, but I'm still in a healthy weight range. I got my labs re-done and will get those back pretty soon. I also was put on Nexium for acid reflux. It possibly could be a stomach ulcer, but most likely not. Anyway...sorry this was a short post. I was really sick last night and I don't feel good at all. I have work and two appointments tomorrow and I'm guessing my dietitian isn't going to be happy with me, and I feel really horrible about that because...I don't know what's going on. And it makes me really sad. I want to help myself, and I want to make others happy. And I really miss my friends from treatment, like a lot.

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