This week has just been...jam packed with so many different things. I work Monday through Thursday and then I had two appointments on Wednesday. Therapy was difficult. I was still half asleep and we talked more about EMDR. And I guess that stressed me out. So I went to work and when I got off I ordered the hummus plate for lunch because I love it and it has all the food groups I need in it. For some reason my anxiety was sky high during lunch and it was so hard to eat it, but I did. This was frustrating because I was not sure where all the anxiety was coming from and I hated it. My anxiety continued to climb and then I had an appointment with my dietitian later that day. The anxiety finally came down with the help of a medication I take when needed, and deep breaths. I think my dietitian appointment went well. I did a blind weight this week, so I don't know what my weight is.
Then on Thursday I had a dentist appointment. I hate going to the dentist. It's so annoying and uncomfortable. After wards, I stopped by my high school to visit my tutor. She was my tutor all through out middle and high school, and also served as a mentor to me and a go-to person when I needed to talk. It was so great to see her and talk to her. Then last night I talked to my soon-to-be boss for this summer. I got a job helping coach a dive team. I am SO excited and so happy that I have this opportunity. Coaching has always been the most rewarding job I've ever had.
And then today, I had therapy. It was a really difficult session. We went over my homework assignments, one of which included things related to my childhood trauma. It was really hard to talk about certain aspects of my trauma and how I feel about them. But I know it's important and I am hoping EMDR will be helpful.
That's about it with me. I've been more emotional this week than usual. And just overall tired and lazy feeling.
I just can't wait for summer to start, because I need some variety in my life.
That's all for now.
Each day I hope for a new blog posting of yours because you help remind me to keep going. I constantly feel triggered, especially in the past few days, and I consider that maybe I was happier sick. Really irrational thought. And then I read your blog and I feel like continuing on this path to recovery from ED because you are working so hard at yours. You inspire me. Thank you!