I have been lacking in the self-care department lately, which is probably what triggered this depression and anxiety I am dealing with (among other things). So I had therapy today and we made a goal, more like a plan actually, to take better care of myself. We didn't make a list or anything like that, but I decided to make my own...so I can see exactly what I need to do to start feeling better. My therapist mentioned to me that I looked different than I did two weeks ago. A little thinner, my face was sort of hollow, and there was no life in my eyes. I don't want to look like that. I want to have life in my eyes.
But anyway, here is my list of goals for better self care.
1. Eat at least twice a day. Make sure to actually taste my food instead of just shoving it in.
2. Alter my schedule so that I have at least 1 day off of both jobs. I need to have one day to myself, to recuperate and rest.
3. Not work on my workbook so much. Only do it every few days or so, and if it gets too overwhelming or stressful, put it to the side. Share parts of it in therapy if needed.
4. Sign up for a dance class. I'm pretty excited about this one!
5. Reach out for help when I need it. I have been lacking on this, depriving myself of help. I have needed some extra support the last few days, but have neglected to reach out.
6. Write down my dreams/nightmares
7. No more self-harm. I had a relapse with cutting last night. Instead of self-harm, use positive and healthy coping skills to release my pent up energy and emotion.
8. Allow myself to cry. Emotional release is good.
And...I think that's it. I might think of some more later, but that's it for now.
I am going to go have some yogurt and granola. I am going to actually taste it and enjoy it, and remember I am nourishing myself.
Too many goals. Focus on one mission at a time.