
Thursday, September 16, 2010

moving forward

I'm a little ashamed of my last post, after re-reading it. But the thing is, I really do feel that way sometimes. I've always been the type of person to say what I feel and think, but usually not take action. By action I mean, yes, saying what I feel and think, but then asking myself..."where do I go from here?" That's more important than what I feel. Because...you can't just sit with your feelings and thoughts and not doing anything. You have to move forward in a positive and healthy way. That's what I need to do. I need to turn my feelings, my experiences into positive ones.

and here's a quote I love.

It seems like it’s all just remembering and forgetting. Things happen so fast, and then they’re gone before you notice them. Events ambush you from out of nowhere, blindside you, and then you have to spend the time afterward trying to remember or forget what the hell it all was to begin with. The more you think about it, the more the events crumble, crack, breakdown, or refuse to change at all. They’re either pieces of ice in your hand, changing shape and melting away until they’re nothing like what they were to begin with, or pieces of glass. Sharp and irritating, unchanging reminders of pain and unpleasantness - or happiness.
- As Simple As Snow by Gregory Galloway

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