So my therapist doesn't hate me. I thought she did after I texted her saying I had purge I knew that in the back of my head, that she didnt hate me. I think I was putting the hatred I felt at myself on her. I know she was dissapointed though. She has every right to be. We work so hard in therapy on healthy self-talk and coping skills. And I just threw them out the window that night. But I am on day 3 of no purging, so it's back to the beginning.
I can do this.
I mentioned in a post earlier about how much music affects me and helps me. I am always discovering new music. My favorites lately are Tori Amos, Dar Williams, Suzanne Vega, and Lady Antebellum. I discovered Tori Amos's cover of "Landslide" yesterday and oh my gosh, I am in love. It's my favorite all time song. I love Fleetwood Mac's version and Dixie Chick's, but this is my new favorite.
I work the next 4 days. Off Sunday, work Monday, off Tuesday, Repeat. I can do this. I just have to take it one shift at a time, not think ahead to the next day, try and get plenty of rest, and just breathe. That's my new motto, Just Breathe. I need a tattoo of it or something.
Writing on this blog has been so therapeutic. And I am thankful for the people that offer me support. My life lately has been full of stressors, but I hope to be in some sort of state of peace soon. But knowing what I am about to work on in therapy, that won't be the case anytime soon. Maybe I need to write more positive and uplifting stuff.
Anyway, time to get ready for work.
Yoou can do this. You are doing this. Hang in there, it gets easier, even with minor set backs. I am a firm believer that small setbacks are lapses, not relapses.And lapses are pretty normal. I enjoy reading your blog.